Going global via Mobile
Peek’s CEO and Co-Founder of Field Notes, Dave Kaye is delivering regular webinars, giving practical advice for conducting international video research via smartphones.
Dave is a seasoned expert in digital qualitative research methods. His research career has taken him all around the world, where he has listened first hand to stories from hundreds of research participants. He is an expert in understanding how best to get to the heart of the narrative and the insights that live within it. He has consistently been at the forefront of mobile research, previously founding Kiosk, the word’s first mobile qualitative agency, after a stint leading the digital team at Flamingo. He is passionate about applying new technologies to the world of research, but always keen to keep things simple.
Join Dave at Insight Platforms for Going Global via Mobile: Ten top tips for running international smartphone ethnography and video qualitative research. With over 10 years of experience at the front line of mobile qualitative, Dave Kaye, co-founder at Field Notes, will outline the key considerations to bear in mind when going mobile, including:
How to plan and avoid common pitfalls
How to get the most out of participants in varying markets
How to produce the best quality output to engage your audience.
Join Dave at MRS for Getting closer from a distance – Qualitative Research with Smartphones
The webinar will cover a step-by-step guide to running your own mobile video qualitative studies. It will first of all deliver a short overview of the evolving role of mobile qual in the researcher’s repertoire. It will include practical tips on best practice, both in the lead up to a project and during, outlining the benefits of engaging research and technology partners.
Understand what video based mobile qualitative can deliver best against
Learn the key steps for running video based mobile qual studies across markets
Develop processes for best leveraging your local recruiters and technology partners