The Challenge
We worked with the FA to recruit, cast and select fans to a specific target audience brief, to share their match experience and support of The Lionesses at England vs Germany at Wembley.
We sent out an invitation email to the supporters club and 138 fans were invited to download the Field Notes app. England players sent out personalised messages within Field Notes to excite fans about the project and build closer connections.
The Outcome
54 England fans were community managed by the Peek team to nurture engagement and ensure quality control of over 177 minutes of high quality video content captured in just 48 hours.
By blending recruitment and casting, we set out to generate high quality entertaining fan stories for Instagram & YouTube from 2 superfan content generators that mirrored the fan profiles
We delivered an additional montage of ‘Good Luck’ messages from the youngest fans as part of the match day content, which was the 3rd highest video on game day, behind player line up and player post match.